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Whatever Happened to Plastic-Free?

Whatever Happened to Plastic-Free?

In the 20-teens, the plastic-free lifestyle was getting almost as much attention as the Whip Nae Nae. But blogs and articles featuring smiling urbanites with tiny jars containing a year’s worth of plastic waste seem to have disappeared. Was plastic-free just another pop culture fad? Did plastic win? Whatever happened to plastic-free? This article contains affiliate links. If you make […]

Plastic-Free Reading

Plastic-Free Reading

Plastic is one of the most pressing environmental problems we face today. It’s a factor in climate change and the primary culprit in forming the garbage gyres polluting the ocean. Microplastics bioaccumulate, presenting a looming threat whose impacts on human health remain unknown – which makes it especially scary for parents of small children. As individuals, we can try to […]

The Gross Truth About Garbage Gyres

The Gross Truth About Garbage Gyres

All rivers lead to the sea. And along the way, they collect a lot of garbage. That garbage gets washed out to the middle of the ocean where it joins debris from fishing vessels. The marine debris accumulates in patches of polluted water that have grown to truly astounding sizes. And although they exist far from human sight, these floating […]

How To Reduce Microfiber Pollution From Your Laundry

How To Reduce Microfiber Pollution From Your Laundry

If you wear much synthetic clothing, you likely create microfiber pollution every time you do the laundry. A type of microplastics, microfibers are plastic fibers smaller than 5 millimeters. When we wash synthetic fabrics, they shed these microfibers, which get washed down the drain with the wastewater, adding to the worldwide problem of microplastic pollution. The Microplastic Problem Plastic pollution […]

Earth Action: Eliminate Plastic Produce Bags

Earth Action: Eliminate Plastic Produce Bags

Earth911 is honoring the 52 years of Earth Day with 52 Actions for the Earth. Each week through Earth Day 2023, we will share an action you can take to invest in the Earth and make your own life more sustainable. Sometimes an action for the Earth takes literally no time or money. But it might feel uncomfortable because you’ve […]

How To Live Mostly Plastic-free With Small Children

How To Live Mostly Plastic-free With Small Children

When I first started saying to friends and family that I was planning a plastic-free life for my child, this statement was met almost universally with a combination of knowing smiles and raised eyebrows. And honestly, I can’t blame them. At the time, I was waddling around eight months pregnant, and convinced that I was carrying the as-yet-undiscovered secret to […]

Earth Action: Protect Parks From Plastic Pollution

Earth Action: Protect Parks From Plastic Pollution

Earth Day is on April 22, but we shouldn’t limit our action for the planet to one day in April.  Earth911 is honoring the 52 years of Earth Day with 52 Actions for the Earth. Each week from Earth Day 2022 to Earth Day 2023, we will share an action you can take to invest in the Earth and make […]

Earth Action: Clean a Beach

Earth Action: Clean a Beach

When we think about garbage at all, we think of throwing it away. But as the saying goes, “There is no away.” And in the case of plastic, there isn’t a lot of recycling happening either. Plastic or otherwise, a lot of garbage makes its way into our oceans, forming massive garbage gyres and sometimes even washing back up on […]

Earth Action: Pick Up Plastic

Earth Action: Pick Up Plastic

Earth Day is on April 22 but taking action for the planet shouldn’t be restricted to one day. Earth911 is honoring the 52 years of Earth Day with 52 Actions for the Earth. Each week from Earth Day 2022 to Earth Day 2023, we will share an action you can take to invest in the Earth and make your own […]

Investing in a Post-Plastic World

Investing in a Post-Plastic World

Making the switch to a green economy will affect every aspect of our lives. As Kathleen Rogers, president and CEO of EarthDay.org recently told Earth911, “We have a chance to completely rethink everything, from what we’re eating, to what we’re wearing, to what we’re sitting on, to our buildings and cars, everything.” In fact, just eliminating plastic will involve that […]