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High-rise of the future has a unique modular design

High-rise of the future has a unique modular design

City center buildings of the future will need to take advantage of vertical space through smart and efficient design and technologies. The Regenerative Highrise concept does all of this and more.  Continue reading below Our Featured Videos Regenerative Highrise was designed through a collaboration between London/Oslo based Haptic Architects and high-rise engineering experts Ramboll. It is a concept that brings […]

The Living City: Weaving Nature Back Into the Urban Fabric

The Living City: Weaving Nature Back Into the Urban Fabric

As climate change intensifies, cities will be on the front line, suffering from increased flooding and life-threatening heat waves. City planners are searching for ways to make urban areas more resilient to these looming challenges, and chief among them is weaving nature back into the fabric of our cities. Eric W. Sanderson, an ecologist and historian at the New York […]

Regenerative Farming Practices: Food for a Healthier Planet

Regenerative Farming Practices: Food for a Healthier Planet

When grocery shopping, you want good food at good prices. While organic foods are a good choice to benefit your health, foods that are grown using regenerative farming practices provide the best boost for the health of the planet and your family. Regeneratively grown foods avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and tilling to create healthy soils that also sequester […]

Warming Oceans and Declining Fish Populations

Warming Oceans and Declining Fish Populations

Ocean temperatures are steadily increasing worldwide due to rising greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. A significant impact has been a sharp decline in fish populations, which affects more than just our eating habits. The warming oceans threaten global ecosystems, economies, and our way of life. Poor water quality from an overwhelming human presence has caused many disruptions in ocean food […]

Refillable cleaning product works by just adding water

Refillable cleaning product works by just adding water

You might refill water bottles, keep a reusable straw handy and avoid plastic shopping bags, but what about those plastic bottles of cleaning fluid you buy and throw away all the time? Cleaning products are a huge contributor to the world’s plastic pollution. Now, JAWS is helping fight that problem. This is the Just Add Water system and it just […]

Take a look at Toronto’s first net-zero community center

Take a look at Toronto’s first net-zero community center

Toronto, Canada is a city with a diverse and inclusive population. Inasmuch, community centers are a central component of the urban landscape. With a focus on that with the environmental landscape, the North East Scarborough Community and Child Care Center aims to achieve net-zero carbon status.  Continue reading below Our Featured Videos In conjunction with design studio Perkins&Will, the city […]

Using bamboo for reforestation and clean energy in Uganda

Using bamboo for reforestation and clean energy in Uganda

Each year, Uganda loses over 200,000 acres of forest to source wood for domestic cooking needs, such as firewood and charcoal. Unlike gas or electric stoves, biomass options are typically more affordable for the majority of the population. Yet, the use of firewood or charcoal poses health hazards and pollution risks to humans and the environment at large. In light […]

How are native plants good for the environment?

How are native plants good for the environment?

There is balance in nature. From the decomposing materials to the roots of trees, the entire ecosystem speaks to each other in a perfect melody of support. This symbiotic relationship ensures all plants and animals receive what they need as they simultaneously give back to the environment. In essence, this is the reason native plants are so important.  What are […]

Unique office design in India wraps around a green space

Unique office design in India wraps around a green space

In Raipur, India, a new project called the Courtyard Office by Sanjay Puri Architects is redefining commercial architecture. The linear office space wraps around a landscaped courtyard. The effect of this sustainable building is one of privacy and tranquility both inside and out. Continue reading below Our Featured Videos Ranging from two to four levels high, the Courtyard Office floors […]

Post-Flood Yellowstone Rebuilding Could Cost More Than $1 Billion

Post-Flood Yellowstone Rebuilding Could Cost More Than $1 Billion

Restoring Yellowstone National Park after recent floods washed away bridges and roads could cost more than $1 billion, and the effort could take years given the challenge of making repairs in a protected landscape. In Yellowstone, crews can only work from late spring until the first snow in the fall, giving them just a few months each year to rebuild. […]