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Athletic Clothing Textile Swaps for a Healthier Workout

Athletic Clothing Textile Swaps for a Healthier Workout

With high levels of BPA found in synthetic athletic wear that sheds microplastics when laundered, you may be looking for safer alternatives for your workout gear. These tiny plastics are polluting the air and water and putting our health at risk. Fortunately, several brands and suppliers offer alternatives to virgin petroleum-based fabrics — including polyester, nylon, acrylic, rayon, polyamide, and […]

How Athletic Wear Impacts the Planet and Your Health

How Athletic Wear Impacts the Planet and Your Health

Did you know that most of the clothing you wear when exercising is made from petroleum? Popular synthetic fabrics like polyester, nylon, acrylic, rayon, polyamide, and spandex that give athletic wear its stretch contain plastic. The plastic materials found in synthetic clothing are damaging to the environment as the manufacturing process emits greenhouse gases. They pollute our waterways and air […]

Wearing Synthetic Fabrics More Sustainably

Wearing Synthetic Fabrics More Sustainably

When you’re looking for fabrics with the lowest impact on the environment, natural fibers almost always come out ahead of synthetics. With a huge carbon footprint and often coated in toxic chemicals, synthetics are best avoided. But sometimes there aren’t great alternatives to synthetics, particularly for special applications like raingear or athletic wear. Maybe you can’t live without your Gore-Tex […]

How To Reduce Microfiber Pollution From Your Laundry

How To Reduce Microfiber Pollution From Your Laundry

If you wear much synthetic clothing, you likely create microfiber pollution every time you do the laundry. A type of microplastics, microfibers are plastic fibers smaller than 5 millimeters. When we wash synthetic fabrics, they shed these microfibers, which get washed down the drain with the wastewater, adding to the worldwide problem of microplastic pollution. The Microplastic Problem Plastic pollution […]