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We Earthlings: Protect Your Skin and the Environment

We Earthlings: Protect Your Skin and the Environment

Earth911 brings the circular economy to life by connecting the world to brands, products, and services to live sustainably. We help millions of people find local end-of-use options for products and packaging using the largest curated directory of reuse, donation, and recycling locations, municipal curbside collection programs, and mail-in recycling options. We educate and inform consumers, businesses and communities to […]

Safer Sunscreens for Summer

Safer Sunscreens for Summer

Sunscreen is essential for all that summer fun outdoors. But some sun protection products contain chemical additives that can be harmful to you as well as the environment you enjoy on those sunny summer days. When sunscreen washes off in oceans, lakes, and rivers, it can leave chemical residues behind that are harmful to marine life, particularly coral reefs. Fortunately, […]

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