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We Earthlings: Nature’s Web Is In Crisis

We Earthlings: Nature’s Web Is In Crisis

Nature is a web of relationships, one that can collapse when keystone species are lost. In the Pacific Northwest, the connection between salmon and orca illustrates how the loss of one species takes another down with it. Eighty percent of an orca’s diet is chinook salmon, whose population has fallen by 60% over the past 40 years. Now, the Southern […]

Killer Threats to Killer Whales

Killer Threats to Killer Whales

Recent news of killer whales sinking boats may bring to mind Jaws or Moby Dick. But before we decide that orcas are sadistic jerks out for personal revenge, consider another possible explanation. The behavior could be symptomatic of environmental stresses, like loss of prey, that orcas are experiencing around the world. The orcas also might just be playing around. We […]

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