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We Earthlings: Make the Switch to LED Light Bulbs

We Earthlings: Make the Switch to LED Light Bulbs

Have you made the switch to energy-efficient LED light bulbs yet? It’s an easy step that can help reduce your environmental impact. “If every American home replaced just one light bulb with one LED bulb that has earned the ENERGY STAR, we would save about $580 million in energy costs and prevent 7 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions per […]

Light Up With Energy-Efficient LEDs

Light Up With Energy-Efficient LEDs

LEDs are the darlings of the lighting world. If lightbulbs were in high school, LEDs would be universally popular. They’re user-friendly and help save money. LEDs are versatile. And they are a positive step toward making a home energy efficient. LEDs (light-emitting diodes) for residential use consume at least 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than […]