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Understanding Regenerative Agriculture Labels To Make Better Food Choices

Understanding Regenerative Agriculture Labels To Make Better Food Choices

Grocery shopping can be challenging enough, trying to decipher ingredient labels to determine which products are the healthiest. We also have organic and non-GMO logos to consider. The latest label trend is for products grown using regenerative agriculture, a holistic land-management practice focusing on soil and ecosystem health, resulting in many public health and environmental benefits like boosting biodiversity and […]

Packaging Myths: Don’t Believe Everything on Product Labels

Packaging Myths: Don’t Believe Everything on Product Labels

Recycling is the most basic environmental action, but it’s not as simple as you think. We’re still much better at recycling packaging than products, but packaging is all wrapped up in marketing, and that can generate a lot of confusion. That’s a problem because 55% of consumers rely on packaging labels to determine recyclability. Here are five myths about labels […]