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We Earthlings: Cut Your Hot Water Use

We Earthlings: Cut Your Hot Water Use

If you’re looking for ways to conserve energy, have you considered cutting back on your hot water use? Water heating is responsible for around 12% of a household’s total energy consumption. Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting you take cold showers. Inexpensive upgrades, like water-efficient showerheads and aerators in your faucets, can reduce water consumption substantially. Source: How To Cut Your Hot […]

How To Cut Your Hot Water Bill

How To Cut Your Hot Water Bill

Nothing beats a hot shower. It is a wonderful way to relax and can be beneficial to your health. The hot water can improve circulation and ease muscle and joint pain. The steam can loosen chest congestion and help clear stuffy nasal passages. Water heaters in the U.S. account for about 12% of total household energy use, on average. But […]