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Wildling Shoes Is a Greener Shopping Difference Maker

Wildling Shoes Is a Greener Shopping Difference Maker

We recently tested a pair of Panther high-cut shoes from Wildling Shoes, one of the most promising sustainable shoemakers we’ve found. This minimal shoe, which encourages a natural gait and has held up wonderfully during two months of use, is representative of Wildling’s line of shoes. It exemplifies a handmade ethos that deserves to be called a Greener Shopping Difference […]

Cutting Carbon From Your Vegetarian Diet

Cutting Carbon From Your Vegetarian Diet

Eating your vegetables is one of the best things you can do for your body and for the environment. Our diets account for 14% of household carbon emissions, and meat is responsible for more than half of the average American’s foodprint – so any meal that emphasizes vegetables over animal protein is an environmental win. But some vegetarian foods have […]

Can Growth in Sustainable Energy Reduce Natural Resources Overspend?

Can Growth in Sustainable Energy Reduce Natural Resources Overspend?

Globally, we are consuming resources faster than the Earth can replenish them. If we think of these resources — such as timber, water, and clean air — like an allowance, then we spent our allotment for 2021 on July 30, and we’re expected to overshoot this year (2022) on July 28. We are over-fishing, extracting, mining, polluting, depleting, and harvesting […]

Seek Community, Share Resources

Seek Community, Share Resources

When many of us think of sustainable living, we think of rural homesteads or tiny homes. Homesteads involve cultivating food and living off of the land. Tiny homes use relatively few building materials and consume less energy for heating and cooling. Yet, some people value living in large dwellings, possibly in urban areas. They prefer being surrounded by others and […]

5 Top National Solar Companies: Pros and Cons

5 Top National Solar Companies: Pros and Cons

Although there are numerous advantages to using a small, local solar installer, many homeowners choose a national solar company instead. But before you pick a large solar contractor, it’s smart to do some research. Find a company known for using quality solar components and providing excellent customer service. Many large solar installation companies operate in the United States. We’ve selected […]

How To Store Water for Emergencies

How To Store Water for Emergencies

Storing water for emergency use is vital. From hurricanes and flooding that contaminate water supplies to earthquakes that disrupt supply lines, there are a variety of events that can cause you to lose access to your normal water supply. Because we don’t know what the future will hold, it’s just common sense to keep some water stored and ready for […]

Mosquitos Driving You Nuts? Attract a Bat Colony

Mosquitos Driving You Nuts? Attract a Bat Colony

Is your yard swarming with mosquitos? An excellent way to keep flying insects at bay without harmful chemicals is to recruit bats to eat them. Providing bats with the right habitat encourages them to take up residence nearby. Bats like to live in tight crevices in wooden structures, such as under the bark on a tree or even in window […]

5 Pollinator-Friendly Plants You Can Grow Right Now

5 Pollinator-Friendly Plants You Can Grow Right Now

There are more than 200,00 species of pollinators — everything from honeybees and butterflies to bats, lizards, and beetles. You can support these valuable workers by planting pollinator-friendly plants in your garden. Why should you support them? We need these flying, fluttering, and crawling creatures to help pollinate the food we eat. More than one-third of our food crops rely […]

How To Grow and Cook With Mushrooms at Home

How To Grow and Cook With Mushrooms at Home

Choosing the right food to put in your body requires deep thought and thorough research. Between the food’s nutritional value, sustainability of the resource, and the environmental impacts of farming it, it is an ambitious endeavor to truly understand and feel good about what we’re eating. But there is one glaring opportunity to get to know our food … growing […]

Maven Moment: A Garden for Grandma Rose

Maven Moment: A Garden for Grandma Rose

The garden that Grandpa Sal and Grandma Rose had in Queens was a sight to see! There were two fig trees, a raspberry bush, and all of the vegetables that Grandpa started including tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, basil, and long Indian squash that hung from the garage roof. That changed after Grandpa Sal died and Grandma developed Alzheimer’s. Although we tended […]