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5 Dog-Friendly Fertilizers for Your Lawn

5 Dog-Friendly Fertilizers for Your Lawn

If you fertilize your lawn, you are probably worried about your dogs traipsing through the grass afterward and then licking their paws. Many pet owners have this concern, and rightly so. Most commercial lawn fertilizers contain ingredients that can be toxic to dogs or cause allergic reactions. Most fertilizers are a combination of ingredients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. […]

Have You Tried Liquid Fertilizers in Your Organic Garden?

Have You Tried Liquid Fertilizers in Your Organic Garden?

Healthy gardens rely on healthy soil, which contains a variety of beneficial microorganisms and nutrients that help plants thrive. To improve soil health, organic gardeners may use an array of natural fertilizers, including manure, compost, bat guano, worm castings, rock phosphate, bone meal, and seaweed. While effective, these fertilizers can be slow to release the nutrients the plants need. In […]