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10 Sustainable Choices for Tea, Coffee, and Yerba Mate

10 Sustainable Choices for Tea, Coffee, and Yerba Mate

Who doesn’t like to start the day with a delicious cup of coffee or tea? As many as 63% of American adults drink coffee daily, and tea is the second-most widely consumed beverage worldwide after water. But many types of tea and coffee are treated with pesticides or grown by overworked and underpaid workers. Do you know how sustainable your […]

Tips for Buying and Enjoying Sustainable Coffee

Tips for Buying and Enjoying Sustainable Coffee

Heading up coffee purchasing at Equator Coffees, a company focused on quality, sustainability, and social responsibility, I often field the question, “What coffee should I buy to ensure the farmers are getting a fair deal?” This sort of question could easily expand into a dissertation about the complexities of commodities trading, currency speculation, and the likelihood of rain in Brazil, […]

The Complicated Choices in a Cup of Coffee

The Complicated Choices in a Cup of Coffee

Coffee can be complicated, and I’m not even talking about the heated debates over cold-brew versus percolator. Coffee is made from the beans of a tropical tree that may be grown on small family farms or vast monoculture plantations. Your coffee beans pass from farmers to processors to traders to importers to roasters to retailers before finding their way into […]

Enjoy Your Coffee With Less Waste

Enjoy Your Coffee With Less Waste

Can you drink your daily cup of joe more sustainably? If you’re like me, you like the brand of coffee you buy, or have a favorite coffee shop you frequent, and don’t want to make big changes to your coffee habits. You’re probably a busy person and don’t need extra hassle in your life. So, how can you easily reduce […]