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As Temperatures Rise, Dengue Fever Spreads and Cases Rise

As Temperatures Rise, Dengue Fever Spreads and Cases Rise

The monsoon season in Bangladesh typically runs from May to September, with rainfall peaking in July and sputtering out in early October. This year, however, there was more rain than usual in October and even some showers in normally dry November. The extra rain, along with overall warmer temperatures, contributed to a surge in cases of dengue fever, prolonging the […]

Conservationists Sue to Stop the Planting of Giant Sequoias

The National Park Service is working to replant several groves of giant sequoias devastated by recent wildfires. But some conservationists say planting is unneeded and could damage forests. Severe wildfires in 2020 and 2021 killed as many as 19 percent of all giant sequoias, the largest trees in the world, which grow only in scattered groves in the Sierra Nevada […]

Sustainable Holidays: Gifts for the Kids

Sustainable Holidays: Gifts for the Kids

This holiday season set a sustainable example for the little ones in our lives with gifts that consider our impact on the planet. Choose from the growing number of sustainably made, durable, easily recyclable, and entertaining gift ideas that can delight children and demonstrate your family’s commitment to our environment. It’s the most consumption-oriented time of the year. In addition […]

We Earthlings: The CO2 Cost of Shipping

We Earthlings: The CO2 Cost of Shipping

When you shop, do you think about how far what you’re buying has to travel? The shipping industry produces 2% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions annually, and we can reduce that by buying items that don’t have to travel far to reach us. Choose brands that manufacture their products in the same hemisphere you are in to reduce the […]

Clearing Skies: Opening a New Path on Climate and the Future

Clearing Skies: Opening a New Path on Climate and the Future

Of the many climate struggles going on today, the great one, played out in hundreds of arenas around the world, is the struggle to rein in and then halt the buildup of greenhouse gases. Gaining ever-more attention is the struggle to adapt to the climate impacts already upon us. But there is a new struggle that needs to be joined […]

World Appears on Track to Triple Renewable Power by 2030

At the forthcoming UN climate talks, diplomats will push for a tripling of renewable power by 2030. A new analysis finds the world is likely already on track to hit this goal. Emissions must drop nearly in half by the end of this decade to have a shot at keeping warming to 1.5 degrees C. As part of that, analysts […]

Earth911 Podcast: The Rise of the Activist Leader In Business

Earth911 Podcast: The Rise of the Activist Leader In Business

Business may be the most potent force in the world, perhaps more powerful than government. The largest corporations—only 20 companies—are responsible for one-third of carbon emissions, and some firms carry more economic heft than many nations. For example, Apple earned $99 billion in net income in 2022, and if Apple were a nation, it would rank 67th in the world […]